Monday, February 13, 2012

Why I Love Cloth

Hello. My name is Alyssa, and I am addicted to cloth diapers. Let me tell you why:

They are ADORABLE. Would you like to see some supporting evidence? 

They absorb and contain much better than disposables. Hey mamas, remember the first couple months of poop explosions? We had those too, for the first two weeks that Harlow was too tiny for her cloth diapers. Once we switched to cloth, we bid a happy farewell to the days of poop covered outfits. In fact, Seth uses this as his main selling point when talking fluff. To his coworkers. Yes, my husband is THAT awesome. 

They are better for baby. Ever looked at the ingredients in disposable diapers? Scary, freaky stuff. In fact, when people tell me I'm weird or crazy for using cloth, I tell them they are weird and crazy for putting chemicals and plastics on their new baby's bum. Cloth isn't new, it's disposables that are the new development.

They are better for your wallet. Depending on the brand, it is possible to cloth diaper from newborn to potty training for under $200, and then reuse with your next baby. However, you may love cloth so much that you buy specialty diapers now and again! 

They are better for the environment. Did you know that if Christopher Columbus had worn disposables as an infant, they would just NOW be breaking down? 

They are EASY. Seriously, they are not difficult to use or clean! They are also much harder for baby to take off when you aren't looking! 

Did I mention how cute they are?

However, to my embarrassment, Harlow has been in sposies for 2 months. To emphasize how abnormal this is, please know that I even use cloth on Harlow while traveling - both driving and flying! After over a year of use, her diapers stopped absorbing (leaky!) due to detergent buildup. This is actually very common, and requires stripping. There are many, many methods of stripping diapers, and you just have to find the method that works for your diapers, with your washing machine, and with your water. Hence, the 2 months of multiple stripping experiments! Thanks to wonderful advice from a friend, I think I have found the solution that works with our variables - RLR Laundry Treatment! Can we please take a moment to fully appreciate the greatness of the packaging?

In fact, I haven't seen the dipes look so bright and fresh in a long time! As soon as they dry Harlow will be back in her soft, natural diapers again!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Superbowl Weekend

The weather has been beautiful, so while Seth went golfing Harlow and I spent some time in the front yard. She found this little orange that fell from our Hamlin orange tree before it could really grow, and she carried it around the entire time she was playing. Adorable.

Later Saturday evening, I learned who was playing in the Superbowl. I really have no interest, on principle. Unless the Seahawks or Chargers are in the game, I really could care less. But I DO love a good excuse to have friends over!

BBQ Pulled Pork

  Vegetable Pizza

Cheesecake Fudge Brownies... from scratch! Note the wine: necessary while making decadent desserts.



Harlow really perfected drinking out of a cup over the weekend as well!

This is how we blog in the morning! Scary, I know. I'll try not to startle you again with crazy hair and glasses pictures for a while.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Flashback Friday: Harlow's First Birthday

Harlow's first birthday was such a special time for our little family! We started the festivities by driving to Disneyland the morning of her birthday, on Wednesday, August 31! After checking into our hotel, Harlow practiced walking while waiting for the shuttle that would take us to the park. 

At Disneyland...

... we went on fun rides and we had tickle parties!

... we played with a great big balloon and learned to hold on tight!
... we had a perfect day!

After the park, we made Harlow spaghetti, her favorite, for her birthday meal! 

She had a lot of fun opening presents and playing on the big bed!

And she really enjoyed her first cupcake! 

The next day, we went back to Disneyland for more fun: 

Friday, September 2, we checked out of our hotel and drove to LAX (what a HUGE airport!) and flew up to Kennewick, Washington, to have a birthday party for Harlow with friends and family. I had been planning her butterfly birthday party for months, but we only had Friday evening and Saturday to get everything ready before her Sunday afternoon party!  

 Fruit and favors!

 Cupcake tower my dad built and I wrapped, and favors made by my mom and I!
So much ribbon, and 100 cupcakes baked by Seth!

The party was held at Grange Park, under a gazebo and right next to a splash pad, play equipment, and a garden. It was a beautiful setting, and a gorgeous day for a party! We were so very lucky to have our friend, Lindsay, take professional pictures of Harlow's party, and 12 month portraits the next day!  I love them all, but here are a few of my favorites:


Harlow played with balloons on the way home from her party, then took a nap before opening presents!

The following day we wrapped up our weekend with a family dinner and then headed home, where Harlow was surprised with a play house for the front yard! 

We LOVE birthdays, can you tell?! 
Happy Friday, everyone!